Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thursday, November 23, 2012 - continued

Ron and Jerry volunteered to help park the hundreds of cars coming in for the pow wow.  They worked from 11am - 1 pm and came back for lunch.  We all wandered around the vendor area and "window shopped." 

We had a great potluck Thanksgiving dinner with ham, turkey and lots of sides.  As soon as we were done eating, we went over to the council building and helped them get the food on the table and then served several hundred people - never did get a count, but it took 1-1/2 hrs for them all to file through the line. 

I'm at the beginning of the line ready to dish up turkey.  Jerry's doing green beans and Diana will be scooting down to the end for handing out desserts.  Ron was our runner, heped me a lot with the turkey dishing. 

Cynthia (in off white leather) (our hostess) leads two other women in the dance.

Jerry (in grey sweatshirt) marches in the Veteran's salute.
After our stint there, we went back to our rigs and rested a bit before going to the ceremonial ring for the Grand Entry.  They always do several dances to begin their evening's entertainment including a prayer, and a salute to the veterans, first responders, fire fighters, police and veteran's parents.  Here's a picture of Jerry in the veteran's line as they moved around the central drum shelter, led by the elders and others. 

The beginning of the first dance - lead by their symbolic post, followed by the American Flag and the POW MIA flag.

I have many other pictures I want to show you, as the regalia they war is all hand made and gorgeous.  However, our signal here is really slow, so will wait for better wifi to send them.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Jerry and Ron will help with parking again from 11 am - 1 or 2 PM.  Potluck again today at 4 PM with the largest entertainment to begin at 6 PM tonight.  Hope to get more photos.

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